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Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Rights for Customers

(The customer is any natural person who completes a legal transaction that is predominantly not attributable to their commercial or professional activity.)

The customer has the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without provision of reasons.
The cancellation period consists of 14 days from the day:

- on which the customer or the customer's representative (who is not the delivery service provider) receives the goods so long as the goods were ordered in the context of a standard order and delivered according to standard procedure
- on which the customer or the customer's representative (who is not the delivery service provider) received the first goods in the context of an order made for the regular delivery of goods over a determined period of time.

To exercise the right of cancellation, a request (via mail, email or fax) must be sent to:

Sunday Natural Products GmbH
Potsdamer Straße 83
10785 Berlin
Fax: +49 30 2574 2918

with a clear statement regarding the desire to cancel the contract. An example statement is included below that may be used as a template, but is not required.

The statement regarding the right to cancellation is considered to be within the period of cancellation if the customer sends the statement before the expiration of the cancellation period.

If the customer submits a cancellation notification, then Sunday will promptly send (for example by email) a confirmation of receipt of the notification.

Cancellation Process

If the customer cancels the contract, Sunday will reimburse all costs for the goods which are returned to Sunday but not the costs of return shipping. The reimbursement will be paid promptly and at the latest, with the exception of the situations listed below, within 14 days from the day on which the notification of cancellation was received by Sunday. The reimbursement will be paid via the same payment method that was used for the initial transaction unless expressly requested otherwise and in agreement with the customer. Sunday does not calculate compensation under any circumstances within the reimbursement. Sunday can deny reimbursement until the goods have been returned or the customer can prove that the goods have been mailed back to Sunday (whichever occurs first).

Correspondingly, the customer must return the goods as quickly as possible and at the latest within 14 days from the day on which they submitted a notification of cancellation. The return period is not violated if the goods are shipped before the expiration of the 14-day return period.

The customer must bear the return shipping costs if the delivered goods were the same as those ordered.

The customer must only pay the cost of possible value loss if the customer is found to be liable for this value loss due to their handling of the goods other than what is necessary for testing the properties, characteristics, and functioning of the goods.

The right of cancellation is forfeited prematurely in the case of contracts

- for the delivery of sealed goods that for reasons of health or hygiene are not suitable for return if their seal has been broken;
- for the delivery of goods that on account of their properties are inseparably mixed with other goods after delivery;
- for the delivery of audio or visual recordings or computer software in a sealed package if the seal has been removed after delivery.

Example Cancellation Statement

(The customer is kindly requested to fill out this form and return it to Sunday if they would like to cancel the contract.)

— To Sunday Natural Products GmbH, Potsdamer Straße 83, 10785 Berlin, Germany, Fax: +49 30 2574 2918, Email:
— With this declaration I/we (*) cancel my/our (*) concluded contract for the purchase of the following good/s (*):
— Ordered on/Received on (*)
— Name of the customer/Names of the customers (*)
— Address of customer(s)
—Signature(s) of customer(s) (only in the case of physical notifications)
— Date

(*) Delete non-applicable variation

